Voluntary Coding #2

Write a function repeats(seq,n). This function receives a sequence and
will print all its subsequences of length n which are present at least twice
in the sequence. So seq(“acgtaaaaacgta”,4) would print


def repeats(seq,n):
  subSeq = ""
  subSeqResult = ""
  count = 0;
  numSubSeq = 0;
  start =0;
  for i in range(0,len(seq)-n+1):
    for j in range(0,n):
      subSeq += seq[j+i]
#    print(subSeq), # comma means no "new line" after print
    for k in range(start,len(seq)-n+1):
      for l in range(0,n):
        if subSeq[l] is seq[l+k]:
         count = count+1;
      if count >= n:
        numSubSeq = numSubSeq+1
      count = 0
    if numSubSeq >= 2:
       subSeqResult += subSeq
       subSeqResult += "\n"

    numSubSeq = 0
    subSeq = ""
    start =  start+1

#  print(subSeqResult)
  return subSeqResult
print repeats("acgtaaaaacgta",4)


3rd Exam Question:
Write a function overlap(s1,s2) which returns the length of overlap of the two strings s1 and s2. Here an overlap means that the suffix of s1 is a prefix of s2, or the suffix of s2 is a prefix of s1. For example for the strings ACGGCTGCA and TTACACGGCTG the function should return 7 since the subsequence ACGGCTG is the sufix of the former and prefix of the latter sequence. But it should return 0 for the strings ACGGCTACA and TTACACGGCTG. In theĀ  function, it should not matter whether s1 is the prefix or the suffix, it should test both options.
Test it with
#should be 7
print overlap(“TTACACGGCTG”,”ACGGCTGCA”)
#should be 7
print overlap(“ACGGCTGCA”,”TTACACGGCTG”)
#should be 0


def overlap(S1,S2):
#  S1 = S1
#  S2 = S2
  S3 = ""
  S4 = ""
  finalResult = ""
  overlapSeque = ""
  overlapLength = 0
  SuffixLastPoint = 0
  firstStep = None
  secondStep = None
#  print len(S1)
#  print len(S2)
#-------------->> prefix Test
  for i in range(0,len(S2)):
    if SuffixLastPoint == len(S2):
    if S1[0] == S2[i]:
      for j in range(0, len(S2)):
        if SuffixLastPoint == len(S2):
          #print "Answer:",
          #print overlapSeque,
          finalResult = overlapSeque + " "+ str(overlapLength)
          return finalResult
          firstStep = True
        S3 += S1[0+j]
        S4 += S2[i+j]
        overlapSeque = S3
        overlapLength = j+1
        SuffixLastPoint = i+j+1
        if S3 != S4:
          S3 =""
          S4 =""
          overlapSeque = 0
          overlapLength = ""
  #S1 ties to Suffix , S2 ties to prefix
  if firstStep != True:
    #print "try for second"
    for i in range(0,len(S1)):
      if SuffixLastPoint == len(S1):
      if S2[0] == S1[i]:
        for j in range(0, len(S1)):
          if SuffixLastPoint == len(S1):
            #print "Answer: Suffix in S1 & Prefix in S2 >> ==",
            finalResult = overlapSeque + " "+ str(overlapLength) 
            return finalResult
            secondStep = True
          S3 += S2[0+j]
          S4 += S1[i+j]
          overlapSeque = S3
          overlapLength = j+1
          SuffixLastPoint = i+j+1
          if S3 != S4:
            S3 =""
            S4 =""
            overlapSeque = 0
            overlapLength = ""
  if secondStep != True and firstStep != True:
    return "No Overlap  0"
print "Overlap Test"
print ""
print overlap("TTACACGGCTG","ACGGCTGCA")
print overlap("ACGGCTGCA","TTACACGGCTG")
print overlap("ACGGCTACA","TTACACGGCTG")